Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

3 weeks in WOW

Wo liegt Bergheim?;)

Liebe Freunde, Kunst- und Freiheitsliebende

Wir möchten Euch gerne über die nächsten 3 Wochen in unserer WOW-nachtgalerie, informieren....
Und, Euch, das ist natürlich das Hauptanliegen, sehr herzlich einladen mit Euren Freunden und Familien vorbeizuschauen um einen ereignisreichen, wunderbaren sowie inspirativen Bergheimer Sommerabend zu genießen.
So far......

28/06 Freitag ab 20.00

Sweet´n´Sour by LaboratoriumHD
Musik KAYA

05/07 Freitag ab 19.00

Finissage/Verkaufsausstellung SWEETUNO (SUI)

20.00 Galeriegespräch mit dem Künstler

19/07 Freitag ab 19.00

Supported by NEW2 and SIDA
more info coming soon....

so good...... YES!

In diesem Sinne, Danke für Euer Feedback.....und auf bald!
Beste Grüße

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013


lovely guests!
First of all: What a wonderful opening for SWEETUNO´S Vernissage last friday night. People, art, vibes and music: u made it real! thanks a lot!

WOW PRESENTS sweetuno´s first midissage, coming friday 14/06. start: 8 pm ;)!  

music support olli soundball rack:

... Growing up in Mannheim Germany during the 70’s and 80’s there was no chance
to miss the dance!

First thing to say that it is possible to compare Mannheim with Detroit
as "the cradle of FUNK“ and as an el dorado of urban dance music in
a flamboyant way: While in late 19th century Detroit’s Henry Ford
was brooding about the idea to build an automobile, in Mannheim
the very first car has already been invented by Mr. Carl Benz.
Due to this both cities have risen to hotspots where technology played
a leading role and where folks developed a deep belief and love in
technology – later also in techno inspired or generated music such
as the German Kraftwerk and Detroit’s Funkadelic, Parliament and Cybotron.
During the 90’s SOUNDBALL played the important clubs of southwest Germany until his bourgeois side of life
took it’s tribute and caught him in his job as a journalist.
Since 2008 the bohèmian is back to the turntables offering his music
experience covering the last 30 years and taking you on a trip through
urban dance history!

WOW, what a story! it´ll be worth it to join us....., and hopefully a nice bergheim-summer evening! ENJOY.....