Freitag, 23. August 2013

CLOSING-Finissage of ADNATE+NEW2's "That was now, this is then"

Dear friends, partners & guests

Upcoming Friday 23/08, WOW Gallery will show for last time, ADNATE's + NEW2's wonderful Art-Work! We've been really happy about your marvelous feedback, so much the better that all of you get once more the opportunity for watching, checking, purchasing an ADNATE's canvas or NEW2's collages.

Please come around and enjoy to feel free having a stunning stay @ WOW-Studio/Gallery.....

Drink-Special by Tom Collins


Open Fri 8-02 pm

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013

Last Midissage of "that was now, this is then!" by NEW2+ADNATE Friday 16/08

We kindly invite you to the last midissage next Friday 16/08 in WOW...!


Open Thu 8-10 pm & Fri 8-02 pm

fresh+dilly drinks Tom Collins

Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

3rd Midissage of "that was now, this is then!" by NEW2+ADNATE

Friday 09/08 WOW opens as usual its ShowRoom at 8pm
We very welcome you to WOW Studio/Gallery!


Open Thu 8-10 pm & Fri 8-02 pm

music Luka van Skyhawk

fresh+dilly drinks Tom Collins

Donnerstag, 1. August 2013

2nd Midissage of "That was now, this is then"

Friday 02/08 WOW opens as usual its ShowRoom at 8pm. For all those that still haven't been able 
to watch NEW2's terrific Collage art-work, nor ADNATE's realistic Graffiti Portraits:
We very welcome you to WOW Studio/Gallery!

Open Thu 8-10 pm & Fri 8-02 pm

music  Jan Kaya Altinbas
fresh+dilly drinks

NEW  2 more pieces by ADNATE + SPECIAL PRICES!!!

and Special Sunday 10 pm cooperation WOW + Coffee NERD!!!

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

1st midissage Adnate+New2 26/07

Check photos 1st midissage Adnate + New2. Thanks again for your coming, it was a pleasure...


Next 2nd midissage 02/08 20h offering special prices for Adnate's portrait works

music KAYA
dilly cocktail by eduardo

photos Cris Beltrán

Montag, 22. Juli 2013



1st midissage friday 26/07  

"that was now, this is then" by ADNATE+NEW2

Opening Adnate + New2 at WOWnachtgalerie

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

"that was now, this is then!" by NEW2 & Adnate

Dear Friends, Visitors and Artlovers

Here we go: We proudly present Adnate & NEW2.
These two brilliant australian artists will transform our studio into that what you will call: WOW!
Please read the following Biografies, to find more details about what you will be expected to...
More information appears soon......

Thanks for your great feedback!



Our upcoming exhibition starts FRIDAY-NIGHT date 19/07 8 p.m
We´re also open on Saturday 20/07 withFreddy Fudd Pucker/LIVE



New2 began painting in Melbourne Australia in the early 1980s. He is a founding 
member of the Da Mad Artists (DMA) crew who were prominent figures in the Australian 
train writing movement. He was part of the first generation of writers and street artists to 
gain recognition outside of Australia.NEW2 has exhibited in both group and solo shows in Australia, 
United States and Europe. Whilst his walls pieces are visually modern and progressive, 
his work respects the ongoing tradition of letter writing.(...) 

Hailing from a traditional graffiti writer background, Adnate, like many other street artists, is a self taught painter - with his preference of medium Aerosol Enamel. Adnate quickly has become well known for his realist portraiture on the street aligned with high energy abstract backgrounds. He is well known for his
collaboration with other established street artists in large scale murals, for example
Shida and Adnate's 6 storey high portrait in Melbourne (...)

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

Selling-finissage SWEETUNO

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Guests

Coming FRIDAY 05/07, we gona show for last time SWEETUNO´S GRAFFITI & PAINTINGS art work. But it´s not that we just want to show the pieces, this Friday´s Finissage we´re going to sell them! Beside of that, we offer brand-new posters and handmade prints, fresh and clean.
So, we try satisfying your demands;)

21.00h Gallery Talk with SWEETUNO

musical support NEVILLE ATTREE 
and Eduardo´s FRIDAYNIGHT Cocktail-Creation!

Come around and enjoy...


Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

3 weeks in WOW

Wo liegt Bergheim?;)

Liebe Freunde, Kunst- und Freiheitsliebende

Wir möchten Euch gerne über die nächsten 3 Wochen in unserer WOW-nachtgalerie, informieren....
Und, Euch, das ist natürlich das Hauptanliegen, sehr herzlich einladen mit Euren Freunden und Familien vorbeizuschauen um einen ereignisreichen, wunderbaren sowie inspirativen Bergheimer Sommerabend zu genießen.
So far......

28/06 Freitag ab 20.00

Sweet´n´Sour by LaboratoriumHD
Musik KAYA

05/07 Freitag ab 19.00

Finissage/Verkaufsausstellung SWEETUNO (SUI)

20.00 Galeriegespräch mit dem Künstler

19/07 Freitag ab 19.00

Supported by NEW2 and SIDA
more info coming soon....

so good...... YES!

In diesem Sinne, Danke für Euer Feedback.....und auf bald!
Beste Grüße

Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013


lovely guests!
First of all: What a wonderful opening for SWEETUNO´S Vernissage last friday night. People, art, vibes and music: u made it real! thanks a lot!

WOW PRESENTS sweetuno´s first midissage, coming friday 14/06. start: 8 pm ;)!  

music support olli soundball rack:

... Growing up in Mannheim Germany during the 70’s and 80’s there was no chance
to miss the dance!

First thing to say that it is possible to compare Mannheim with Detroit
as "the cradle of FUNK“ and as an el dorado of urban dance music in
a flamboyant way: While in late 19th century Detroit’s Henry Ford
was brooding about the idea to build an automobile, in Mannheim
the very first car has already been invented by Mr. Carl Benz.
Due to this both cities have risen to hotspots where technology played
a leading role and where folks developed a deep belief and love in
technology – later also in techno inspired or generated music such
as the German Kraftwerk and Detroit’s Funkadelic, Parliament and Cybotron.
During the 90’s SOUNDBALL played the important clubs of southwest Germany until his bourgeois side of life
took it’s tribute and caught him in his job as a journalist.
Since 2008 the bohèmian is back to the turntables offering his music
experience covering the last 30 years and taking you on a trip through
urban dance history!

WOW, what a story! it´ll be worth it to join us....., and hopefully a nice bergheim-summer evening! ENJOY.....


Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013

WOW. time, place and people.

24/05 friday. 20.00h

finissage stevie kuner
music radio bergheim alias henning stünitz

29/05 wednesday. 21.00h

empty gallery for friends 
music olli twist & neville attree

07/06 friday.  20.00h

vernissage sweetuno!
music mawdee. support radio bergheim.

all nights dilly cocktail by eduardo

yeah. we are happy you are happy.